Friday 14 August 2015

A blog about Blogs By Suparna Havelia

An Overview
Blogging is a timeless art that has been kept alive by budding authors and avid readers, of all ages and with varied interests. With several ongoing cries about blogging slowly dying out, we present a blog with brevity about some of the most sought-after blogging platforms for creative writers and developers on the internet today.

* Ghost: Ghost is a public website owned by a NON-PROFIT ORGANISATION - The Ghost Foundation-developed by a large group of developers who come together, work diligently, harmoniously and effectively to create a free platform for everyone. It's for the community, of the community and by the community. As Tumblr and WordPress encumber ambitious developers from customising their personal space on the internet, Ghost offers a window just to fulfil their needs.

* LifeType: By following the WYSIWYG protocol, it delivers fine blogging and editing tools for illustrating word-art, by adding audio and visual aids, to make one's writing more interactive and indulging. With an array of templates available for use, one can give an aesthetic appeal to one's blog. For on-the-go bloggers , they also offer a mobile app, at the user's personal convenience.

* b2evolution: Who wants a more affable site than the wonderfully-attractive platform offered by b2evolution? One can author blogs, exchange private messages with their readers and post photo-albums to-go with their work. Create a professional blog and embed several other sites on your homepage, for the users to navigate from a point to another.

* WordPress: "Dude, your work is so powerful! Why do you insist on keeping it to yourself when you can WordPress it?"- Isn't this a familiar statement to you? WordPress is a highly sought after blogging platform for people with diversified tastes and writing styles. It is frequented by tens of millions of people every day and provides a vast platform for bloggers to propagate and profess this artful talent.

By-Suparna Havelia

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